Circular Economy Hackathon - 4 Innovative Ideas
Long before the famous song – The Circle of Life – from the movie, the Lion King, set everyone pondering over this philosophical question, eminent thinkers and economists tinkered with this idea of “closed loops” for containing the effects of unrestrained human consumption on our ecology and economy. Circular Economy, a sustainability model, propounded by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, is making world leaders take note of the need for re-X (re-use, re-make, re-cycle, etc.). Although the foundation has been advocating the cause in the last decade, the concept of circularity has been around for quite some time. In the 1960s, Kenneth Boulding presented the concept with different terminology. Walter Stahel’s work, a decade later, also provided another perspective on this topic of sustainability. However, it is to the credit of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s sustained efforts that a lot of interest and meaningful engagement has happened in recent years to act...