Analyst are the oxygen for any analysis

Crop-analyst (2440220215)

Analyst remove the chaff from the grain;
Without them, the entire data analysis will go down the drain.

That is how i would like to describe the contribution of analyst for an meaningful data. Now, some logic to prove my "analysis".

1- We have lots of data which gets captured in a digital selling process - Clickstream, web server information, customer questionnaire etc. - And we require logical and human intervention to determine which data source will be pertinent to which stage of the digital selling cycle and also designing the system to capture the right data - to ensure we are capturing the right data at the right time at the right way. Tools only provides the way, the analyst gives the direction to the logic and help us in reaching the destination. Analyst prepare the blue print of the system to capture the right data.

2. Remove the discrepancies - Tool will give us the result - analyst remove the aberration. For example, in social media - if we use tools we can get our metrics for the social reach. One of the demerit of Social Media is we can trick it to get erroneous results - BOT in terms of false followers, false followers, false applause and false amplification. It will require analyst to use multiple analytical tools to skim the data, remove the redundancies/ fake data and come up with an accurate result. With analyst, we cannot take the inputs of the social tools on its face value.

3. Adding value - Tools will give the analysis and trends. But analyst are required to understand the patten from the analysis and create a feedback loop. For example, the analyst does the analysis on values digital channels for an website and can create recommendation of the best path to follow in the digital journey.

These are a few of the examples - For me "The analyst are the soul for each analysis"......
This essay was written as part of my course on Digital Analytics


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