In my earlier blog, I had mentioned about how In Memory Data Management is relevant to an organization. In Memory Data Management is fast and it can compute large amount of Data - but what are the business benefits that an organisation derive if it uses it. With faster data, thebusiness opportunities are limitlessand we need to creatively think about how we can package solutions using this groundbreaking technology to bring tangible benefits for our customers. In this blog, I delve into how In Memory Data Management can be used in solving business problems and removing system inefficiencies.
Solving Business Problems
In India, during summers, most of the people savor Lassi, hot weather refreshment made of churned Yogurt. To cater to the growth in demand of Lassi, vendors have a unique method of churning the yogurt in mass scale - they useWashing Machine, an invention made for cleaning clothes by rotating the clothes in detergent water. Why not use a use the rotors to churn lassi - its even captured in an Advertisement. So is it a Washing Machine or a HIGH Volume Liquid Churner?
Similarly, a dishwasher can double up as an oven in case we make creative use of it.
Definitely, I am NOT proposing that we use In Memory Database to produce Lassi or cook hot dogs, but we can derive great analogies from the above examples to create business cases for In Memory Databases.
In Memory Databases processes the huge amount of data faster. Beside the “Faster Processing and Quicker Results”, In Memory Data has greater impact as solutions to business problems.
For Example, in this video, customer talks about how they derived the business positives of faster processing power by using In Memory Data Computing technology, SAP HANA.
By reducing a transactional process from 5 hours to 5 seconds, the In Memory Data frees up the capacity of theemployee as well the computer terminal for more value added activities which in turn can bring more benefits to the organization.Many such use cases for SAP HANA can found here. You may not find an exact match, but it’s extremely likely that you’ll find one or more themes that closely resemble some of your business issues and/or conditions.
Removing System Inefficiency
Most people use Google for checking internet connection.Google, the name, has etched its brand as the fastest portal. It might or might not give us the most relevant result but consistently gives us the faster results. Speed has contributed to Google’s meteoric rise over the years and it continues to do so.
As the machines are connected by faster infrastructures, the software for future is the ones which render faster results to the users. More waiting times, will make the user loose their attention span and would end up in lowering the productivity.
In Memory Data Management calculates and renders the results based on every user instructions avoiding creation the redundant result set , which is a common phenomenon in RDBMS. In Memory Data management ensures that there is no system inefficiency pertaining to speed and in turn contributes to the productivity.
These are the two broad of many categories where In Memory Data Management can be utilized to bring business benefits to Organizations and make world “run better and faster”. I strongly believe in this. What do you think?
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